Practice Institutes of the LCA

The LCA encourages and facilitates independent study, educational and practice development groups formed by LCA Fellows under the auspices of the society that fall within the parameters of the Institutes of the LCA.  These independent groups are referred to as institutes, but may be alternately designated society, group, academy, college or such other descriptive term that designates the nature of the institute purpose, as the group founders may select.  The LCA provides the institutes with initial administrative support, design and maintenance of websites, coordination of meetings, liaison with LCA In-House Counsel Fellows and other services incidental to the on-going operation, growth and development of the institutes.  Once operating, the institutes act and function independent of the LCA, with minimal LCA oversight.  Some institutes hold annual or other scheduled meetings in conjunction with LCA conferences, while others hold meetings at other times and venues.

Membership in the institutes may be by LCA Fellows only.  Each institute may, depending upon its individual pursuits, meeting schedule, speaker retention, and overall level of functionality, assess dues for purposes of covering operational expenses above and beyond the initial services provided by the LCA.  Associate members of institutes may be other firm colleagues of institute members, even if not an LCA Fellow, but are limited to one associate member per Fellow.

The LCA requires that all institutes adopt the LCA Institute Primary By-Laws (Primary By-Laws), but allows each institute to create, adopt, amend, alter and/or delete any other by-laws(s) not in conflict with the Primary By-Laws.  At this time, the LCA recognizes the following institutes, which are either formed or in the formation process.


Academy of Antitrust Law


Medical Defense Institute


American Institute of Appellate Practice


Aviation Law Institute


Complex Commercial Litigation Institute


Employment Discrimination Defense Institute


International Academy of Alternative Dispute Resolution


International Institute of Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law


Insurance Litigation Institute of America


Intellectual Property Institute


Wage & Hour Defense Institute

Formation of an institute by LCA Fellows may be initiated by contacting G. Steven Henry.


2024 LCA Conference & Celebration of Fellows

October 23-25, 2024
Four Seasons Jackson Hole
Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Event Registration


Where are the Women's Voices by LCA Senior Fellow Sheryl L. Axelrod

Where are the Women's Voices by LCA Senior Fellow Sheryl L. Axelrod Read on


Thomas A. Mesereau Cup

Each year the LCA awards the Thomas A. Mesereau Cup to a deserving lawyer practicing in the area of criminal law. The award recognizes excellence and commitment at the highest level.

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LCA Scene

2024 LCA Spring Retreat

2024 LCA Spring Retreat Read on